What else do I miss? I miss reading a book all the way through and remembering what I read; I miss being able to shower, wash my hair and go somewhere all in the same day; I miss driving - although I still can, I rarely do and only short distances on good days; I miss running and running and running - the great feeling you have afterward; I miss being able to cut the grass and get all dirty and sweaty and having a good hot shower after and then looking out at a wonderful clean cut yard; I miss having a really good nights sleep; I miss being able to clean my whole house in one day and then enjoying the nice cleaness of it all. Believe it or not, I miss working - the satisfaction of finishing up a project, doing a conference, working on a newsletter and then mailing it out myself.
But - I have to say that we learn to replace the things we miss, and there are many, with the new things we find in life. The window that God opens is so wonderful - even after the door has been closed. I have tried to start taking note of something each day that is new for me in this new DAHM life and being thankful for it. There is always my little bird friend, having time to visit graphic sites like my friend Carmen's - Shweet Potato Designs - it never fails to cheer me up. Look around and you will find many things in your new disabled life to be thankful for - it just takes a little time to appreciate. Just for today - look for the windows in your life.
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