Having said all that, I do feel that I worked hard for over 32 years and kept working long after I was first diagnosed and should have quit years ago. Now that seems to be causing me a problem - both statements that I received from the SS states that I should go back to what I was doing. Believe me if I could - I would.
The little car above is so dear to me because it reminds me of what I used to love doing - going for a drive - run to the store on a whim, take my son here and there. Now I can't drive unless it is absolutely necessary and very rarely do and only close to my home. It is just not safe and I realize that but it is so hard.
Sometimes I even get an idea in my head that I will just run to the fabric store and browse - something I just love to do. Then when the reality sets in that I will have to dress, do something with my hair, put on make-up and then still have the energy to drive out and back, I just give up and don't go. On rare days when I am able to get out, the freedom is so wonderful and I think I can just do anything. Unfortunately within about a half an hour, I know that I have to return home or I won't be able to get myself there.
I would suggest to anyone in the same situation, to try to do all that you can to provide information to your disability advocate to get your case before a judge quickly. Also - find something that you can do and enjoy each and every day. Above all, I have learned that if I concentrate on others - even just doing small things for someone else, then I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. Each and every day I am thankful for my many blessing as we all should be. There is always something to be thankful for and show gratitude for! At least for today, I will count my blessings and think about what I can do rather than what I can't!
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