First I was a work away from home Mom and it was very hard....then I was a SAHM - stay at home mom and mother of 4- then I tried being a WAHM - work at home mom and that was awesome......But now I am a DAHM - Disabled at home Mom and I am doing the best that I can to make that Okay! Recently I have added caregiver and advocate to my 84 year old mother who suffers from Dementia and mental illness. Such is life... I hope you visit here and find a reason to smile and a little Joy!

Monday, October 22, 2012

It's All About the Balance.....

As I was about to doze off last night, I thought about the unbelievable balance that is involved in all lives - for all living things really.  Then my mind quickly moved on to the required balance of lives that include a chronic illness.  Many times we think that illnesses like the ones we experience are different because we many not wear the obvious label of being ill.  But...not well we are, and the balance we must find each and every day requires quite the learning curve.

I, like so many, have fleeting feelings on a good day that maybe it's gone - maybe it never existed and I am fine.  Maybe the collective "they" were right and it is all in my head!  Then, like the sun rises, the reminders of my illness creep back in and I am once again reminded that when I push myself out of balance, I will quickly be given small warnings that let me know that more trouble is on the horizon.  I am so very fortunate that I am in a place in my journey that my severe pain is not daily any longer.  If I am very careful and work very hard to balance my life, my symptoms are lessened and I can do a little more than I once could and I have some really good days.  This has been a long process for me and started over 20 years ago.  In the beginning I was miserable much of the time.

So what is the point here - life is a difficult balance for all life forms but if you do have a chronic illness, it is not a choice and it is imperative.  If you have children and or a spouse, a job, etc., the balance becomes even more important and you must save the best of yourself for the most important items on your checklist.  Chose wisely and pick your battles - know your limits and tune into your signals and know when you are abusing your system because as surely as the sun rises and sets each day, your more severe symptoms will return with a vengeance if you push beyond your limits.  This is not always fun - my hubby helps me by reminding me of the small things that I tend to do like staying up too late, not eating right, doing too much, letting things upset me, and over thinking things.  Small things for most but very big things for people like us....know your triggers - make a list if you have to.

Another thing that throws a juggling ball back up to our tightrope is that our triggers change and morph themselves over time so be alert for changes and know your body and mind.  It takes time and being quiet to listen to what your body tells you, but the payoff is so very worth it.  Over time you will have many more good days and learn to lean into this new life and make the very best of it.  It is different but it can be okay too!!

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