Am I the only one....surely not! I am driving myself crazy.......ITCHING!!!!! I keep thinking is it dry skin or just winter stuff, allergies, whatever, but the itching just does not make sense. I buy special lotions and shampoos and I sleep with a back scratcher hanging right beside my bed because I wake up at all times of the guessed it.....ITCHING!!!! It is driving me nuts not to mention leaving scars and causing hair loss from my constant scratching. I scratch to the point of drawing blood and I am constantly blotting up a spot of blood or treating scabs that are trying to heal. My back looks like I had a bad run in with a tiger or a very angry cat! I am truly not exaggerating here - my eyes itch, the inside of my nose, inside my ears, and my head wakes me up all night! What the heck (not the word I had in my head but trying to keep this PG)!#$!%@))!@@#....
For the longest time I have thought it was just me and when I asked my doctor about it he just seemed frustrated again and gave me a prescription for a topical cream which of course did no good at all - none!!! Well today I finally decided to look up itching and Fibromyalgia and light is part of the syndrome and like everything else it is sensory----not really topical at all. Whew - that makes perfect sense to me and I don't feel quite as crazy......well I do but a little less.
The big problem now is that I haven't really found a good solution since my itching covers so much of my body. If you have itching in one spot then cold packs can work wonders because they tend to numb the area. As always I find Adrienne Dellwo has the best answers to some of our issues. Itching is no exception and here is a wonderful article she wrote with some great solutions.... She is the go to for no nonsense information and I can't believe I didn't look for this before.
I would love to hear if you have this problem or have any suggestions or solutions. I am just ITCHING to find out more.....ok sorry but I couldn't resist. We have to laugh right.....crying makes me ....ITCH?!!!
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