First I was a work away from home Mom and it was very hard....then I was a SAHM - stay at home mom and mother of 4- then I tried being a WAHM - work at home mom and that was awesome......But now I am a DAHM - Disabled at home Mom and I am doing the best that I can to make that Okay! Recently I have added caregiver and advocate to my 84 year old mother who suffers from Dementia and mental illness. Such is life... I hope you visit here and find a reason to smile and a little Joy!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Miracles....What Do You Think....

Miracles are subjective in many cases......sometimes I think it is a miracle if I lose a pound.  Many would say that is just in versus out - science.  We can all chose what we deem to be miracles - or can we?  Sometimes there is no logic to it, we just BELIEVE!  Miracles aren't about logic - they defy logic and common sense.  We don't know why and we can't explain it.  There have been several outstanding miracles around me in the last year and then there are smaller unnoticeable ones each and every day.  I have to be aware and open my eyes wide, sniff them out and most of all be open to the possibility of their existence.  We can all do it - it just takes practice. 

This year I am making a strong effort to Believe and look for miracles around me as well as doing my best to be as positive as I can absolutely be.  What does all of this have to do with chronic illness you say....everything!  It is proven scientific fact that our attitudes about life have a strong impact on how we recover and live our lives.  I know that when I am in a negative frame of mind, I feel much worse.  I know and realize that some of this is not in our control but if we just try to take control of what we can and chose to see things with rose colored glasses, they will become more rosy.  What can it hurt to try - we may feel a little silly at first and some will think we are crazy but hey who cares.....

I have to thank Susan Branch  for the graphic above.  She is a wonderful artist and her blog and web site bring me joy each and everyday and I don't even need my rosy glasses to view it.  She is pure joy and I steal borrow from her all the time.  She is such a great inspiration.

Another miracle worker you will want to visit is Ashley - she is the artist/brains behind Lil Blue Boo!    Please take a minute to read about and get to know Ashley, Boo and Mr. LBB - they are the most amazing family and Ashley has taken a scary situation and made it joyful!  Her motto is Choose Joy! and she lives it everyday, even with chemo, loosing her hair and so much more upheaval in her young life.  Ashley is the age of my children and I so completely admire her and love her from afar.  But more than that she is an inspiration to me and so many others each and everyday in every way.  Each day I pray for Ashley's Miracle and I hope that you all will do so as well.  She is a miracle for each of us!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

A New Year.....

A fresh new year ~ a fresh start - hope.....that is what most of us look for each time a new year dawns.  At least I know that I do!  I realize it is just another day on a continuous calendar and nothing really changes but I like to believe that it does.
I love this graphic - the title is "Fish out of Water" and so describes the way that those of us who have invisible illnesses feel much of the time.  We feel out of sorts and out of place.  It is very hard to understand something you can't see and we all know this.  But....each and every year we all hope and have faith that one day these diseases will be better understood and most of all that we won't be labeled as lazy or crazy or worse.  One day a new year will dawn and people will say "How did they do it?"  "How did they go on knowing they were being ostracized for something that was out of their control?"

I know that I am very fortunate in that I still am able to enjoy life even with it's changes and new direction.  Many are not so lucky and spend each day, each week, each year, dealing with severe depression and isolation for reasons they cannot comprehend.  We all have to open our eyes and see that just because we may not understand and may not see the problem, that does not mean that it does not exist.  Doctors, care givers, family, and friends owe it to our loved ones with these types of conditions to listen, seek to understand and learn all that you can in order to be supportive.  It can be a matter of life and death!