This is my logo girl - I just love these graphics from Shweet Potato Designs - I am addicted to them! I especially love this one because it reminds me of myself. While I may not stay in my robe and slippers, most days I would love to! If I could only find a pattern to make those big floppy bunny slippers, I am just sure they would make me smile each and every day - just the way this graphic does.
This blog is not about whining or feeling sorry for myself - I promise! I hope to provide some humor and a new way of looking at things for those like me or those who may have a loved one who is disabled. My situation is different from many because most would say I don't look sick or seem sick but my family would tell you a different story. My daughter-in-law who has Rheumatoid arthritis, told me about a site called "But you don't look sick!" It was designed for all of us who have to answer untold questions about why we don't do this or that and what is really wrong with us when we seem just fine. I will post the web address for that group - although I don't visit it often, I feel better just know that there are others who know what it's like. Such is the idea for this blog. We all need a place to go where we feel normal, not out of place and not questioned about our very existence. I hope to provide resources and information here that will guide us all through the maze that has become our lives. They don't have to be bad lives - just different! I embrace the things that I can do and try my best not to dwell on the things that I can't and most of all - just for today - I will do what I can and move forward.
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