Now that I am older, I look back and realize that I wasted so much of my life being negative and focusing on problems and issues. I know that sometimes we all be come overwhelmed and must have those moments but they used to be hours on end for me. Sometimes we can't see past the limitations that we are facing and they surely will get us down but we can't let em keep us down.
Funny thing is that my positive attitude and try to make the best of things mantra have not always served me well. When I was going through the disability process, I was given a disk containing all of my doctor's visit notes and information. After my first denial I sat and read through pages of notes that were nothing short of shocking. Over and over again, different doctors I saw stated that I was pleasant and appeared fine, smiling and not in apparent distress! can do attitude and determination to smile through the pain were now being used against me....WTH?????
I still try to be pleasant and I still believe that a positive attitude will make chronic illness more palatable, but having said that, when you see your doctor you must be brutally honest and don't hide anything....this is one place you must let it all hang out. I still struggle with having a good relationship with my doctors and not being that pesky whiny person they all hate to see, but as in all things, you must find a balance and err on the side of what is best for your health. We must be our own best advocated - no one else lives in our bodies and no matter how much you feel that someone else can speak for you - most of the time they don't or won't know the depth of your pain.
So grin and bear it ----- NO! Smile through the pain maybe, but focus, make a list and be adamant about what your needs are. Nothing will improve until you are able to take your care into your own hands and make your doctor your partner in improvement. Hard to do - yes, impossible NO.
i now have my attorney who is helping me thru this awful process. i got my first denial and am on to see what happens the second (appeal) time. I have to track my daily thoughts, feelings, sorrow, etc in a log, that the lawyer said would help my case. it only brings it to the forefront with me and it upsets me even more. i have SMI (serious mental illness) and it's starting to cause physical problems. but right now i'm going for SS disability strictly for my mental health issues.
ReplyDeleteI like your blog very good job. I tried going to rhem doc looking my worst. He mis labeld me as sleep deprived and depressed. Neither is true. I am developing symptoms of lupus. He refused to recognize any of the lupus symtoms. Instead he is just like all the other docs trying to shove anti depressants down me that in the past caused me so much weakness and depression that I had to use a cane to walk. It's damned if you smile damned if you don't. Docs never seem to take the time to KNOW a patient. Anyway, I completely agree with you, it's the attitude that makes or breaks us.