This past week I walked out to retrieve my mail - a short walk of about 50 feet and on my way back I heard a little rustle behind me. Both of my dogs were inside watching me from the two windows on each side of the front door, so I knew it wasn't them. I turned to find the cutest little dog with scruffy hair and the sweetest little face starring up at me as if she knew me. Being a long time push over for anything on four legs, I reached down to pet her. I noticed that she had a little pink collar on so I was careful not to distract her so she would head back to her own home. She seemed so happy to see me that I couldn't help myself and I picked her up. Big mistake - she was just so sweet and lovable and by this time my own dogs were loosing their minds still watching from the windows.
I put her down on the side of our drive way just sure she would run back to her home, but each time she followed me back to my front door. I decided I would sneak in through my garage to keep my dogs from escaping with her. About that time my next door neighbor came over and told me that she had been abandoned and they could not keep her. Well I have a Jack Russell, a Beagle Jack Russell mix and two crazy cats so I knew that my hubby would not go for it.
Long story short, I agreed to take care of her until one of us could find her a home and then just as that was settled, she took off as if to say come on lets run! I forgot to mention she appeared to also be a Jack Russell and believe me those dogs are just crazy! I have barely been out of my house in months, much less running or even walking fast but off I went after this little creature. I am not sure why but I just had to save her. It is what I would want someone to do if one of my babies were loose. I chased that dog on foot for almost an hour and we went up hills, down slopes, through grass and all of my neighbors yards until I just could not chase any longer. My neighbor, whom she had become familiar with, was able to catch her and we tried our best to find her owners but no luck.
I sent out pictures of her to everyone I know trying to find her a home and my 22 year old son who lives in an apartment decided he would like to take her. So being a good Grammy, I baby sat for him this past weekend as he had a surfing trip planned. Well tonight, myself and 6 other members of my family were out chasing this cat crazy little monkey all over the neighborhood in the dark. Beside the fear of not being able to find her and how upset my son would be, it was unbelievable how we all came together because we all had fallen for this little sweetheart! She finally headed back for our house and my 13 year old tackled her - all 11 1/2 pounds of her crazy fuzzy little self. She was exhausted and ready for bed and headed home with my son and his long time wonderful girlfriend. Thank goodness a happy ending......until the next time she escapes.
My point in telling this story is that I would never have thought that taking this little being in could have turned my life so upside down over the last few days but it did. I am exhausted and I can barely walk and my arthritic joints are screaming, but ask me if it was worth it and I will say it definitely was. Sometimes, even though we know we shouldn't do things, and we know it is not the best thing for us to do....sometimes, just for today, we must because it is the right thing to do.....and in the end the benefit so out weighs the consequences. Hopefully I will still feel that way tomorrow.
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