Well, after 7 long months, I am eligible for health insurance today!! I have never been so excited about seeing a doctor, with the exception of when I was pregnant. I am so relieved that my husband and son are again covered and I am so hoping that some new meds and tests that have been put off for far too long, can make a difference in our lives and in my plea for disability income.
I don't go out much, but right now but I am so looking forward to having blood work done and getting my check-up because this will hopefully mean that I can begin to improve - at least somewhat. I have been on a decline for about a year now and I know the lack of insurance has definitely added to the problem.
It is so odd that we take things for granted and don't appreciate them until we have to do without them. Having chronic health problems, you really take for granted that you will get the medications you need, that you will be able to go to the doctor when necessary - which is quite often. In the last 7 months I have not been able to do this and the two times that I did go in it was quite expensive for just a prescription refill or to have forms completed for my SSDI.
When your child runs a fever, a fear strikes you when you don't have insurance - even more so than normal. How will we get meds, how will we get him to a doctor??? I am just so thankful to have this period of time over and hopefully not to have to endure this again anytime soon. This experience has so helped me to realize the plight of so many and my desire to find solutions. This is something we all have to be cognizant of because we are all in this together and must work to help each other!!
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