It is very blustery here today - wind coming in gusts blowing all of the trees around. It is a beautiful sunny day - just a little chilly. It would be a perfect day to fly a kite out of site! My 13 year old son is out of school on Spring break and we ventured out today to make a short trip to the bank and put gas in my car. Since I rarely drive, it was a special treat. We took along our two dogs on our little outing.
When we pulled into the gas station, as I was pulling up to a pump, I happened to look down and there was the tiniest little bird - possibly a sparrow. He was, with all his little might, trying to drag a cup cake wrapper off with him. The wind was trying to take it in the other direction but he would not give up on his quest to steal off with this goody at least twice the size of his little self. We stopped the car to watch him take little nibbles of the cake that was still stuck to the wrapper, gobble them up quickly, and then try his mightiest to fly off with the whole thing once again.
Finally we pulled around him to the pump directly in front of his and the entire time I pumped my gas, he worked on the tasty bits around the paper all the while bracing himself against a wind so powerful it was hard to open and close my car door. My dogs even noticed him and I could tell they thought "um - chicken for lunch" but they were interested in his hard work non the less.
After I finished with my gas and was pulling away another car pulled in and not noticing this brave little creature, they shooed him away with their vehicle, his cup cake wrapper left behind. I couldn't help but feel a little sad for him - all his hard work and he had to leave it behind. But - he had enjoyed a tasty little treat to stave off his hunger and he was on to his next adventure. What wonderful little creatures birds are - they are so happy just to BE! He put all of my whining and complaining to shame and made me again realize how so very blessed I am each and every day!!
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