First I was a work away from home Mom and it was very hard....then I was a SAHM - stay at home mom and mother of 4- then I tried being a WAHM - work at home mom and that was awesome......But now I am a DAHM - Disabled at home Mom and I am doing the best that I can to make that Okay! Recently I have added caregiver and advocate to my 84 year old mother who suffers from Dementia and mental illness. Such is life... I hope you visit here and find a reason to smile and a little Joy!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Spring Things To Do...

It was another blustery day here with lots of rain and clouds but a nice day just the same. Again my little bird friends outside my little window make me smile. They were busy as usual today doing whatever it is that birds do and the squirrels were running all about digging things up and burying others. The Blue Jays were in the trees making their warning noises to scare all the cats away. My front and back yard seem like critterville this time of year and I just love it. It is sort of odd though - we are in the city, close to a traffic filled road but still we have so much life going about their daily business in our yard - even small brown rabbits can be seen scurrying about at night trying to remain in the shadows with their white fuzzy tails lighting up the darkness.

All of this happy activity makes me feel a little sluggish and slow at times but most of the time I feel the joy that these creatures have in their simple daily routines. My routine now is so much more simple than it was even just a little over a year ago. My husband and I have a routine worked out - he works a good many hours as a retail manager of a large grocery store. So, I try to do what I can to make his days a little easier since I am not working any longer. I don't always succeed but I always try. My goals each day are to get out of bed (first big hurdle of the day!), get my 13 year old up and off to his bus; remember to brush my teeth, :), try and pick up around the house - things like dirty dishes, laundry, etc.; make the two beds in our house and help get things moving toward some sort of dinner for the 3 of us. I would have laughed if someone told me a year ago that that was all that I did all day!! If my day is really good, I try to throw a load of laundry in the washer and try to remember to put it in the dryer and I put some clothes aside for my hubby to wear to work the next day since he is normally out the door around 6:00 AM. And last but not least, I try to plug in his cell phone to recharge for the next day and have his coffee set up for the morning. It is hit and miss and some days I get them all and others none but I always try.

This all may sound mundane and trivial but for me they are small accomplishments that help my family and keep our little house running. They are the contribution that I can make to this family and feel needed and somewhat useful. We all need this - just like the birds and the bunnies - a since of importance for someone - a job to do. At least for now, I am just thankful to be and to do what I can with the hope that I can make things just a little easier for my family.

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