First I was a work away from home Mom and it was very hard....then I was a SAHM - stay at home mom and mother of 4- then I tried being a WAHM - work at home mom and that was awesome......But now I am a DAHM - Disabled at home Mom and I am doing the best that I can to make that Okay! Recently I have added caregiver and advocate to my 84 year old mother who suffers from Dementia and mental illness. Such is life... I hope you visit here and find a reason to smile and a little Joy!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Off to See the Wizard.....

Well I went in to see my doctor yesterday - my Wizard of sorts. :) Since I have been without insurance since my husband lost his job last September, I have been unable to go in on a regular basis as I had before. We will have health insurance back in only 17 days - he has been working for his new employer for almost 3 months!! I can't believe it.

I got a call on Monday from my doctor's office telling me that I would need to come in on Tuesday - he had received another packet of information from Allsup (my disability advocate group) and needed help completing them. So, I went over and spent two hours there - I am so very thankful to have a doctor that would take the time to be sure the forms were completed correctly. I am so hopeful that it will make a difference and speed things along on the track to a hearing or at the very least a review by a judge. I am told that if a judge agrees to review without the necessity of a hearing, a decision could be made quicker than the time it would take to have an actual hearing. That would be wonderful!!!

My doctor wizard tells me that according to the paperwork we completed I cannot hold down even a simple menial job - then what is the problem with the Social Security Disability Income robots - I just don't understand......I know they are trying to do what they think is correct but it is all too frustrating to those of us wait and hope that we won't lose all that we have while they take their time making decisions that determine our lives.

Enough grumbling - I am ever so thankful for my doctor and his staff and for the group at Allsup. I will pray and hope for the best. Each step along this journey has been a learning experience and I hope that I can help others who walk this way with me. At least for today, I will remain optimistic and hopeful and search for ways to make the travel easier for all of us.

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