First I was a work away from home Mom and it was very hard....then I was a SAHM - stay at home mom and mother of 4- then I tried being a WAHM - work at home mom and that was awesome......But now I am a DAHM - Disabled at home Mom and I am doing the best that I can to make that Okay! Recently I have added caregiver and advocate to my 84 year old mother who suffers from Dementia and mental illness. Such is life... I hope you visit here and find a reason to smile and a little Joy!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil.....

Yesterday while feeding our various pets (we have a zoo) I was reminded of the old adage, The Squeaky wheel gets the oil, meaning the one who complains the loudest and longest gets attention first.  We have two dogs and two cats - crazy, I know - especially for someone like me but they bring us so much joy.  Back to my story - the dogs - Maddie a Jack Russell and BJ - a Beagle-Jack Russell mix are normally always first.  As a matter of fact they get so excited about their breakfast that I don't feed them unless there is no one else around to do it.  They knock me down, cause me to spill the food and then commence to fight over the bowls and who might have more......then they beg for treats - bones, etc. - non dog food type stuff and believe it or not they both Love carrots - the little tiny sweet kind and will literally attack you for one.

Then there is the old cat who lives on the back porch - she just turned 19 on March 17 - no, really!  She is a calico and we got her when she would fit in the palm of your hand and she had a Siamese Daddy - quite a mix.  She is living on the porch now because it is warm and it helps her old bones and because she can't remember how to use a litter pan -- and we all know how that story ends. She is also very noisy like most Siamese and she makes the long MEeeeeee-OWwwwwww sound that will wake the dead and reverberate your brain.  Then there is the baby - Jessie - she is a tuxedo kitty and just turned 5 years old.  We got her at 5 weeks when we thought the old one was dying once again but turned out to be on her 15th or so life.  This little fat kitty does not meow or fuss or cause any real problems other than scratching a little now and then.

So when it is feed up time and I am handling the duties, I notice that she quietly watches me feed the others, tries to stay out of the way and then she makes a few little peeps and looks me in the eye as if to ask - my turn now?  So yesterday, I explained to her that the others make more noise and trouble so that is why they get attention first.  She turns her head sideways as she often does and looks at me as if to say "that's ok - as long as you don't forget me" - so sweet.

That brings me to my point - maybe those of us who have the invisible illnesses that we do, don't get the attention we need because unless we fuss and complain and call attention to ourselves, we are not noticed.  Personally, I have had a problem with that because I don't like complaining so I figure I don't want to be that person.  But......in this case we all must make an exception.  If you are ill and the problems are not apparent, you must stand up for yourself - be vigilant - keep track of your symptoms - call them to your health care provider's attention - don't sit and wait for them to be discovered because I am here to tell you it more than likely won't happen.  In this instance you must be the squeaky wheel and don't stop until someone comes with the oil can!!

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