First I was a work away from home Mom and it was very hard....then I was a SAHM - stay at home mom and mother of 4- then I tried being a WAHM - work at home mom and that was awesome......But now I am a DAHM - Disabled at home Mom and I am doing the best that I can to make that Okay! Recently I have added caregiver and advocate to my 84 year old mother who suffers from Dementia and mental illness. Such is life... I hope you visit here and find a reason to smile and a little Joy!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mary Hart.....WTH?????

OK - so I am watching television waiting for our frozen pizza to bake.  Entertainment Tonight is having a special good bye episode because host Mary Hart, is leaving after 29 years.  It is filled with music and dance and laughter and tears.....and then - there it is - I realize I am wiping away tears.  What the hell!@#!$%.....OK, I like Mary Hart but this is ridiculous.  After a few minutes I realize that I am not shedding tears for Mary - they are for me.  I realize that I feel her sense of loss so completely because I have had to say so many good byes over the last 20 years and unlike hers they did not come with music and cheers.

We all have endings to things in life - all good things must come to an end  - and all that, but how you say good buy - how you end something makes all the difference.  Also - the reason you end a particular thing is important as well.  Mary is moving on in life and doing some things she really wants to and she leaves feeling loved and missed.

I think back over the last two decades and remember loosing the only job I had held in my adult life - I had worked there for over 17 years and I loved my job.  But, having said that, I knew that I could no longer do the job due to my illness and I knew that I was laid off - more than likely because I was not well and the company needed to regionalize our department and it was known that I would not be able to meet this challenge.  I came to believe that was the best thing that had ever happened to me and the right thing......but the loss and resulting mourning were inevitable and I can still reach out and touch those feelings.

Again a few years ago, I was forced to give up my administrative business after 14 plus years because my health continued to become more and more unpredictable which makes me unreliable.  Again - no balloons or music - no fancy send off - just loss and pain and mourning.

While watching Mary Hart's tremendous, although somewhat sad ending, it is clear that this is a celebration.  I have to admit to myself that I feel cheated - I have worked for over 34 years of my life and illness has cheated me and taken away any pride I could have relished in moving on from these endeavors.

Well, Mary has moved on already to her new life and I am cutting that pizza and ready to put this out of my mind once again.  I know there is nothing to gain by wallowing in these feelings of loss - for those of us who suffer from unacceptable, invisible illnesses, our time for celebration has not come.  We must pat our own backs and know and believe that we did what we could at the time.  We have to keep moving through life and do what we can to accept our new situations and appreciate them for the value they bring to our life.

If anyone had told me 20 years ago that I would not be driving, rarely leaving home, depending on someone else for my transportation and making many of my decisions for me, I would have said NO WAY!!!  Well Mary Hart - my reality may not be anyone's dream, but it is doable and it can be the best it can be and I am thankful each and every day for this life.  As I learned today from another person ending something in their life (Oprah) - we must inhale.....don't just breathe.......take it all in!

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