First I was a work away from home Mom and it was very hard....then I was a SAHM - stay at home mom and mother of 4- then I tried being a WAHM - work at home mom and that was awesome......But now I am a DAHM - Disabled at home Mom and I am doing the best that I can to make that Okay! Recently I have added caregiver and advocate to my 84 year old mother who suffers from Dementia and mental illness. Such is life... I hope you visit here and find a reason to smile and a little Joy!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Set Yourself Up......

One of the biggest struggles for me and many of us, is being able to accomplish things we want to do.  That is the one definitive division that lets me know that I am not well.  If I were just lazy or whatever, I would still do things that I enjoy but just not the stuff I don't.  That is the one accusation I will bristle at every time....."but you can do anything you want to do"!  Oh so not true!!!

For me it is a daily struggle.  Days, weeks, even months go by and I don't actually do anything that I could enjoy or love to do.  Then I look back and see my life disappearing in the rear view mirror and I realize that the dreams that I have are just that and will never be realized if I don't find a way to fit just a few into my daily life.  I am not talking big things by any means.....just things that many take for granted and do with ease.  Taking pictures, scrapbooking and documenting the lives of my children, enjoying their big days, crafting or sewing, knitting, crocheting, cooking.  Just normal stuff that I used to so love doing and feel lost without.  I spend a lot of time reading about doing these things and cruising Pinterest and other sites dreaming and planning the one day when I will.....someday.

What I do, when I am able is try to set myself up for success with small things....even just doing some cleaning that I haven't been able to get my arms around.  If it makes me feel good and gives me purpose then it's on the list.  Here are a few of the things that I have learned and work for me.
  • I make lots of lists - they make me feel that I have already accomplished something. 
  • I use a planner - I struggle with this as I will make great notes, etc. and then forget to look at it for days so this is still a work in progress.  It does help when I actually use it.
  • I use a calendar on my laptop to post ideas and things I want to get done or be able to do
  • I send myself texts and emails - yep I do.  Just short quick ones like "work in the sewing room".  this truly helps.
  • I save anything that gives me motivation in a file on my desktop and or on Pinterest.  Fortunately for us all there are tons of places to find these now and art with a message can truly be a strong motivator
  • I keep a small notebook nearby to make notes on ideas, etc.
  • I peruse organizational sites for ideas on how to get stuff done - it works.
  • I try to force myself to change my routine - I used to sit in a comfortable chair for hours on end and then when I would try to move....I couldn't.  Now I try to sit in a hard chair at our bar in the mornings so that I will easily move.  It works.
  • I push myself...hard.  Now I still practice pacing but I just get up and do it when I can....sometimes I can't but when I can it is awesome!!!
  • Take small bites - for most of us we can't take on big time chunks or larger projects.  Don't let that stop you - do small things when you can and eventually you will finish up something.
  • Above all be patient with yourself.  Frustration is part of the process but try to enjoy accomplishments and reward yourself when you can.  Only you know how hard it is to make these goals and dreams happen - pat yourself on the back.
 These are just some suggestions and I know everybody has their own list.  Learn what works for you and of course it is ever changing because our illness changes.  For me, cognitive issues rule my day and so does fatigue.  For others there are different front runners and the list changes with those needs.  The main thing I have learned is sometimes it is okay to Just Do It!!!

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