My post today may not be a popular one, but something I feel strongly about all the same. A few years ago I wrote a post here which was an open letter to our President ~ President Barrack Obama. It was a plea asking that our government look closely at the health care crisis and take action. At that time I was caught between loop holes in the system and was unable to attain proper health care for my chronic illnesses.
Many may say that I am Pollyanna in my support and belief in our current President and I admit that may be just a little bit true. But, I stand firm in my belief that President Barrack Obama is an extraordinary human being and we will look back on this time and realize that we were all witnessing faith, hope and love in action during this time in our lives.
Now you may say that a President has to be tough and cut throat to do his job - I don't believe this to be true. I believe that a person who has the best interest of all people, all colors, all faiths, all man kind, will make the best decisions for us all. For those of us who have been in the group known as the disenfranchised, we see through the politics and muck and myer and know that we are so very fortunate to be alive to see the actions of this man and those who support and work with him to do the right thing even when it is not the popular thing to do.
I would go a step further and guess that if Martin Luther King, Jr. were alive today, he would be so very proud of this man who blends the best of two races and is an enigma in our life time. At the ripe old age of 56, never has there been a time in my life when I felt so very thankful and in awe as I watched the Presidential Inauguration with tears in my eyes and a very full heart.
Imagine, what would happen if we all, even those who don't support our President or his party, gave up the negativity and tried, really tried to support non-political decisions and actions. What if all political decision weren't based on money?? What if we worked to all get along and put all negative thoughts aside? The possibilities are endless and we all will gain if we try and our children will be the beneficiaries of seeing true cooperation and love in action. What if we reached out a hand to those weaker than ourselves and made the right decisions in our daily lives rather than the one most popular???
On this day of service, we can all think about what we can do to move ahead with positivity and love in action for Love is meaningless without action and action is nothing without Love! This post is for those friends and family of mine who still fall between the cracks and continue to struggle to get adequate support and health care......Susanne, Julie, Lynda - I love you all and keep you in my prayers each and every day. There are two many to name them all but know that those of us who can, will continue to beat the drum and fight the good fight. May God Bless the POTUS and the FLOTUS as well as their family!
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