Well I know I am showing my age now, but I came so close to shouting at two college students earlier this week and asking them about the origin of their up bringing! I normally don't speak out when I see something I consider rude behavior, but this time, it was all I could do not to explode!
I had a doctor's appointment and after that went to visit my Mother at her apartment building downtown which is in the heart of our local state university - University of South Carolina or USC as we call it. On this particular day there were no parking spots at her building and I was forced to find one near a meter on a nearby street. When I tell you this street is a very steep hill, I am in no way exaggerating. I saw young people bracing themselves to walk down the hill it was so steep. I remember this particular street from my childhood - I was afraid when my parents drove up it because I believed that our car would fall backwards. If you have read my blog previously, then you are aware of how strenuous a trip like this is for me.
Anyway - I found a spot across from her building on this very steep street and pulled into it and carefully made sure that my emergency brake was up and the car was in park before leaving it. I did not have much gas and it did enter my mind that facing downhill like that might cause a problem when starting my 11 year old van but I was too exhausted to do anything else at this point. I had already driven around the block twice and could not find anything better and I knew that my Mother would be starting to get worried.
After a very nice meal with her and visit, I returned to my car exhausted and ready for a nap about 2 hours later. It was still there and had not decided to take wings and fly down this precarious hill and into oncoming traffic. Well - just as I had briefly considered, the car would not start. It has one of those gas tanks with a float and had I parked facing up the hill there would have not been a problem. But.....since I was facing downward, it would not start - even after many tries. I put the car in gear and tried to let it roll down the hill but I quickly realized that with the weight of the vehicle behind it and no power breaks or steering, I would more than likely crash. I literally stood up on the break with both feet and all my weight and was able to stop the car before it hit the little car parked in the space up one from me. In between the two spaces there was a driveway into what appeared to be student housing and of course my van was stuck right in that spot - anyone trying to get in or out of that driveway would have to pull over the curb to get in or out. Not impossible mind you, but a little detour none the less.
Well after all this fun, I was a little unnerved and exhausted. I got out of the car, where there was a cool breeze outside, and called my husband on my cell phone. I knew that I would more than likely get a lecture on why I should not have driven downtown on my own and etc. etc., but there was no other choice. As I expected he was not happy that I parked there but said he was on his way. As I was talking to him I slowly maneuvered my way back down to the bottom of the hill and I planned to wait for him there seated on a brick wall. I knew that I was too tired to make the walk back to my Mother's apartment and I didn't want to worry her.
Just as soon as I ended the call, I turned to see a young man at the top of the hill throwing his arms up in the air and mouthing something. I could not hear him from that distance but it appeared that he was repeating "What the ____?!$?%&" over and over again and motioning to my car. How did he know it was my vehicle - I looked around and I was the only one on the street walking and I was the only older lady with a big grandma purse so I guess he assumed the old van fit. I trudged back up the hill toward him trying to get him to hear me saying "the car is stalled and someone is coming to move it". Nothing - no response - no "Ok - I understand", nothing!! He jumped in his vehicle which was parked in the lot blocked by my van and hurriedly backed over the sidewalk and sped away without another look or so much as a "How do you do".
I was just stunned - I didn't expect him to offer to help or actually DO anything but he could have at least acknowledged that I spoke to him, especially after he completely over reacted to the situation. Oh well - I guessed that he was in a hurry to get somewhere - the life of a busy young college student.
Well I took a seat on a brick wall beside my van and waited, and waited, and then waited some more. My husband was a good 20 minutes away and would have to stop and get some gas to add to the van to get it to start so I knew it would be about a 30 minute wait. At least it was cooler than days past and pleasant outside.
When it was almost time for him to get there, another car rolled up beside mine and the driver rolled his window down and pointed to my car - it was another young man - obviously a student. I immediately jumped to my feet and told him that it was stalled and someone was coming to move it. Again, he rudely looked away obviously irritated and quickly pulled behind me and into the lot - no big deal. He got out and walked away without a word.
I was stunned - what had happened to decency and kindness??? I am mother to 4 young men and I am not bragging in any way when I say that I cannot imagine that any one of them would react in this way. They have stopped in traffic to remove errant lost turtles to the side of the road, gone out of their way to help stranded drivers and put their own safety in jeopardy to help others. I don't take any responsibility or credit for their being this way - we all just assume that it is the way to be. I didn't want these young people to do anything or take any time out of their busy schedules - just don't go out of your way to make me feel awful because you had to take maybe 30 seconds to go around my car. I just wanted to follow that young man to his door and fram on it and ask "What would your Mother say?????"
Whether there is a pretty young girl, an older woman, a child, a old man or whatever else, we are all human and we are all in this together. Showing a little kindness to each other does not cost us anything and we reap the benefits down in our soul and in our hearts. We all need to think before we react and this has surely made me more aware of this.
Long story short, my husband was able to start the car after a perilous ride down the hill with no breaks or steering and we finally got back home over an hour later. It has taken me days - more than a week to recover from this trip - but what is more important is that I realize that I must take my limitations into account when I do anything because unfortunately we cannot always count on the kindness of strangers........but I will be more vigilant about being a kind stranger!