First I was a work away from home Mom and it was very hard....then I was a SAHM - stay at home mom and mother of 4- then I tried being a WAHM - work at home mom and that was awesome......But now I am a DAHM - Disabled at home Mom and I am doing the best that I can to make that Okay! Recently I have added caregiver and advocate to my 84 year old mother who suffers from Dementia and mental illness. Such is life... I hope you visit here and find a reason to smile and a little Joy!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Where Do You Land....

I have been thinking a lot lately about why I struggle so with organization and getting anything accomplished.  There are the obvious reasons that come with any chronic illness but it seems to be more than that.  When I worked from an office at home for over 14 years, I had a spot to gather my thoughts, look at to-do lists and just regroup.  It was my desk in our home office.  After I was forced to give up my work that was the absolute last place I wanted to be.  I moved my things out of that space and gave it to my hubby who needed a home office.  At about that time our 3rd son moved out on his own and we moved our youngest to his room and that left a small bedroom open for my long wished for creative sewing/craft room.  This would be my space!!  Yay!  A place to land and be creative as well as keep up with the day to day of our lives.  Well here I am 6 years later and I still haven't really embraced the new space.  We all need a landing - our own unique little spot to keep a calendar, notes, lists, etc. to keep things on track.

This image is one I pulled from Google and it represents what a landing for me would look like if I could make it happen.  Could it be that when confronted with the changes in our lives that a chronic illness bring, we have trouble finding a place of comfort???  It doesn't have to be this large or elaborate, a corner with a comfy chair and good lighting would do.  For me I feel like a vagabond, I drag my things from space to space in this house.....lately mostly in the bed but it never really feels like "my" space.  I am struggling with this and hoping to find a new landing in the new year.  I feel it is integral to peace of mind and to getting anything done that I truly want to accomplish.

Maybe this is jut me - everyone might not feel compelled to seek out this kind of refuge but I do believe that most of us who live our lives primarily at home, need to feel comfort there.  I do love our home and I am always so relieved to get back here when I leave......I just want to find that one spot again that gives me that ahhhhhhh feeling.  That ease of knowing this is where I belong.  This is where I can create, read, meditate, whatever it is that makes me keep going from day to day.  I will continue to strive for this for I know it works for me.....  I encourage everyone who struggles with a chronic illness and is home bound to make this a priority..just for you!


  1. I have had that problem too and I ended up making my bed area my space. I have organized the things I need to keep up with the things I need to do and the things I want to do. My dogs can lay on the bed with me and we are all comfy. I recently bought an old sewing machine cabinet to turn into some more organization space. I started writing my blog as a way to feel productive and give my days some more structure but it is also helping me keep my brain active. After my diagnosis I found that I was loosing concentration, and reading and writing skills and blogging has helped with that too. Best of luck creating your own space.

  2. Traci - you are so like me. I spend so much time on my bed with my sweet pup. That is one reason I liked the pic above - the bed/couch looking thing in the room is calling my name. I also try to do anything that keeps me thinking and brain working. Big Hugs!!
