I know are have all heard of aroma therapy and the idea that smells can make us feel better, help us sleep, etc. I believe in some of that but mostly I just use good smells to get rid of the bad ones. Well, Hubby and I picked up one of those decanters with the sticks and the oil and it was pumpkin scented. I just love fall and normally I will have fall scented candles around and stuff like that.
I don't know if I am just getting older or what but since I opened that smelly thing and the warm pumpkin scent has permeated the rooms in our house, I have felt a burst of Fall Feelings! I am now a firm believer in this scent thing. I have actually visualized that it will be cooler when I step outside (that's not happening - I live in SC) and I imagine pies baking, and I feel a little more festive. It has brought about memories and feelings of Falls past and transported me from the mundane and everyday into a world of holidays, turkey, falling leaves and so much more.
Why do I mention this you say - I am thinking that those of us who suffer from chronic illness and pain could benefit from more of this type of therapy. I know we have to proceed with caution because many of us are also very sensitive to smells, etc. and I am included in the group. But.....there are many natural scents that we can use such as vanilla that will do the trick like my pumpkin. Warm vanilla sugar is another favorite of mine.
Now.....the only drawback is that many of these make me hungry!!! Ugh!!! Oh well - good with the bad - right?